
[2008年香港行] - Day 1.4 - [食記]澳門茶餐廳

Day 1 97. 9. 20. (六) 大晴天 紫外線指數:100%

回首頁目錄 Day 2Day3                           Contents (English Version)

1.1 -- 970920香港_桃園國際機場、機上
1.2 -- 970920香港_香港機場及機場快線
1.3 -- 970920香港_恆豐酒店
1.4 -- 970920香港_[食記]澳門茶餐廳(午餐)
1.5 -- 970920香港_[景點]星光大道及鐘樓
1.6 -- 970920香港_[食記](西貢)滿記甜品
1.7 -- 970920香港_廟街逛逛
1.8 -- 970920香港_[食記]廟街-榮發大排檔
1.9 -- 970920香港_[食記]廟街-藥製龜苓膏
1.10 -970920香港_恆豐酒店附近-彌敦道夜景

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1.4 -- 970920香港尖沙咀_[食記]澳門茶餐廳(午餐)

之前不是提到我們 12 點才到達飯店 Check in 嗎? Check in 的帥哥又慢吞吞地處理,害得我們進房間根本沒休息,就衝出來吃飯嘍~從飯店到尖沙咀很近,所以第一天精神好的不得了的我們就用走的到那裡,若你是從地鐵尖沙咀站出來,從A1出來,走海防道到樂道左轉就看到澳門茶餐廳的招牌了唷~

It took us almost an hour to reach our Hotel (Prudential Hotel ) in Jorden. We are all tired and starving! After check in and go fresh up! We were going to our first restaurant in our trip, the  Macau Restaurant, a tea restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui.


Macau Restaurant
Shop A & B, G/F., Lokville Comm. Bldg.,25-27 Lock Road, T.S.T., Kln.
Tel: (852) 2366-8148
Fax: (852) 2377-0268

我們一走進去,我就對於香港地狹人稠的生活有所體驗了,天啊~四人坐的位子,真的好窄唷~我們四人也沒人是真正的胖子啊~但是,就是覺得擠!大概是過慣了大位子的生活了吧!這裡的位子真的很窄!一坐下來就端來了四杯水,我們其中一人(我忘了是誰了)以迅雷不及掩耳的速度就喝了一口水,然後就聽到 Kelly 一聲慘叫,我們心想,怎麼了呢? Kelly 就教我們,那個杯子,是用來洗筷子及湯匙的啊~

這,我還第一次聽過,不過詳細一看,有人用來洗東西,也有人喝。我是打算下次問個在我們單位打工作的弟弟,搞清楚這是怎麼一回事嘍~(Update: 香港弟弟說:那是用來洗餐具的啊~可以喝,但還是別喝比較好啊~)

接下來,就看到一個吊兒郎當的男生,用吊兒郎當的口氣問我們要吃點什麼。我還以為是因為我們講普通話才被討厭,但後來我發現,他們的店家的口氣就是這個樣,我們也不用多加揣測,哈~人家的口音啊~由於 Kelly 有做功課,所以就請她來點,其實 Menu 做的也很觀光客版,因為它把常被點的菜,都註明出來了,所以還蠻好理解的,以下就是我們所點的美食嘍~

This is a Portuguese mix Cantonese style restaurant. You can find out some interesting dishes here. Take a weird beverage for example, "Coffee & Tea",  we call it "Aix galericula" (鴛鴦) in Chinese. It mix up Coffee and Tea together to make a totally different beverage. One important notice that everyone first in a HK restaurant should know, that will be " Please dont drink the water they gave you, because those glasses of water is for the chopsticks and spoons." We dont know the rule at first, and get used to the culture soon. hehehe, one of us did drink the water, she is alive!!! :p
We offered some most hot sale dishes for lunch. Those as follow. Go check it out!

::招牌軟骨皇子鴿:: 港幣 33 元
Roasted Baby Pigeon -- HKD 33

PS. 一旁的薯條粉好吃唷~

Well, first of all, Pigeons!!! I have to say, I think it is weird to eat a pigeon, a baby pigeon!!! Still there is a strengh forcing me to accept it, or I would never know how it tastes! So I take a bite first and find out that pigeon meat is just like regular chicken, only lesser meat on the bone! It tastes OK. I think I prefer to eat the french fried better than the baby pigeon.


::澳門豬扒豬仔包:: 港幣 18 元
Macanese Crispy Roll W/Pork Chop -- HKD 18

第二道網路上大力推薦地美食,就是鼎鼎大名的「澳門豬扒豬仔包」,我呢~是蠻期待的啦~但試過後,給它有一點點小失望,豬肉味有點重。大概是一人只吃半個唄~所以覺得份量少少的,整體來算只算 OK 嘍~
The Chinese like humburger is good. I mean it taste like "Humburger". Unlike the burberg I ordered in the State, the Macanese Crispy Roll W/Pork Chop is much more smaller than the one in "In & Out". 


::葡式蛋撻::(葡式蛋塔) 港幣 7 元
Portuguese Egg Tart -- HKD 7 per tart

Oh~~~ You have to try THIS, The famous dessert in this restaurant. It is really yammy!!! I like the tart very much. It can be served any time you want, before or after the main dishes, please eat your tart ASAP when it is still hot!!!


最後一道呢~我們就是順便點的啦~我實在想不起來是什麼撈麵嘍~但它也是招牌菜,所以我看不少人在吃,它的配料是碎豬肉及蚵仔肉炒的,下面就是普通的撈麵。個人是覺得有點鹹,但味道重歸重,口感及口味都很不錯唷~^^ 補充:後來找到 Menu 嘍~它是「蠔仔肉碎湯麵」唷~

::蠔仔肉碎湯麵:: 湯:港幣 25 元; 撈(乾):港幣 28 元
Mini Oyster & Minced Pork Noodle (Dry: HKD 28)

Well, we shared the noodle together only for tasting. It is a little bit  salty. Not bad though, but I think I like the Taiwanese dry noodle better!


::鴛鴦::     熱:港幣 14 元;凍(冰):港幣 16 元
::檸檬蜜:: 熱:港幣 17 元;凍(冰):港幣 19 元



以下是店內的照片及 Menu 嘍~


上圖.Menu 另有招牌名菜介紹唷~




[2008年日本行] - Day 1.4 - [食記]澳門茶餐廳結束
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